BDMC Trustee’s Motion Record

On October 7, 2020, FAAN Mortgage Administrators Inc., in its capacity as Trustee of Building & Development Mortgages Canada Inc. (“BDMC Trustee”), served materials in connection with its motion returnable October 15, 2020, in support of the BDMC Trustee’s request for an order (“Tax Opinions Order”) that:

  • Authorizes the Trustee to disseminate copies of the Tax Opinions, in accordance with the procedure set out in the proposed Tax Opinions Order, for use by an Investor in an ongoing or potential action or legal proceeding relating to a Fortress related real estate project to which the Tax Opinion(s) relate(s).

The Tax Opinions Order contains, among other things, a paragraph that orders that the Tax Opinions Order and the dissemination of copies of the Tax Opinions applies, with any necessary modifications, in the Sorrenti proceeding (Court File No: CV-19-628258-00CL).

Copies of the motion record filed on October 7, 2020, including the BDMC Trustee’s Twenty-Second Report, are available on the website for the BDMC proceedings at the following link:


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Tax Opinions Order


Omnibus Order